Overview of all recent showresults.
Overzicht van alle recente resultaten in schoonheid.
Bo Champion 4 Very Good 02-03-25 Martinidogshow Groningen (NL) Mr.J. Wauben (NL)
Sky Champion 2 Excellent 02-03-25 Martinidogshow Groningen (NL) Mr.J. Wauben (NL)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Male + BOB 02-03-25 Martinidogshow Groningen (NL) Mr.J. Wauben (NL)
Sky Open 2 Excellent 01-03-25 D' Olle Grieze CUP Groningen (NL) Mrs Y. Jaussi (CH)
Uno Open 2 Excellent 01-03-25 D' Olle Grieze CUP Groningen (NL) Mrs Y. Jaussi (CH)
Belgisch SchoonheidskampioenBelgian Show Champion
Lito Open 1 Excellent + 2 CAC 14-12-24 NDS Brussels (BE) Brussel Mrs. S. Simon (HR)
Lito Open 1 Excellent + 2 CAC + RCACIB 14-12-24 IDS Brussels (BE) Brussel M. N. Matejevic (SRB)
Lito Open 2 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 25-08-24 Sint-Romboutstrofee Mechelen(BE) Mrs. A. Gielisse (NL)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BOS 25-08-24 Sint-Romboutstrofee Mechelen(BE) Mrs. A. Gielisse (NL)
Luna Junior 1 Excellent + best junior + beste teef + BOB 15-08-24 Jonge honden- en veteranendag KVN Aalst (BE) Mr. Nicola Imbimbo (I)
Luna Junior 1 Very Good 11-08-24 De Dulle Griet Gent (BE) Guy Devriendt (B)
Luna Junior 3 Very Good 4-08-24 BKV Die Scone Waregem(BE) G.M. Pollinger (AT)
Lito Open 1 Excellent + RCAC 4-08-24 BKV Die Scone Waregem(BE) G.M. Pollinger (AT)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB 03-06-24 Exposition Canine Internationale Perigueux (F)
Chea Junior 2 Excellent + RCCJ 02-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina RSCE Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. F. Svante (SE)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent 02-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina RSCE Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. F. Svante (SE)
QT Open 4 Excellent 02-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina RSCE Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. F. Svante (SE)
Uno Open 4 Excellent 02-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina RSCE Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. F. Svante (SE)
QT Open 4 Excellent 01-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina Latin Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. V. Veiga (P)
Uno Open 2 Excellent + RCAC 01-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina Latin Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. V. Veiga (P)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent 01-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina Latin Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. V. Veiga (P)
Chea Junior 2 Very Good 01-06-24 Exposicion Internacional Canina Latin Winner Ciudad Real (ES) M. V. Veiga (P)
Chea Junior 1 Very Good 12-05-24 56e Flanders International Dog Show Gent [BE] M. R. Blessing (D)
Luna Puppy 1 Promissing 12-05-24 56e Flanders International Dog Show Gent [BE] M. R. Blessing (D)
Lito Intermediate 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Male + CACIB + BOB 12-05-24 56e Flanders International Dog Show Gent [BE] M. R. Blessing (D)
Chea Puppy 1 Very Promissing + Best Puppy 28-01-24 49e Exposition internationale Mouscron (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Luna Baby 4 Very Promissing 28-01-24 49e Exposition internationale Mouscron (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Ryana Baby 3 Very Promissing 28-01-24 49e Exposition internationale Mouscron (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Lito Intermediate 1 Excellent 13-01-24 26e Ambiorixtrofee Genk (BE) Mr I. Jukic
Chea Puppy 1 Very Promissing 13-01-24 26e Ambiorixtrofee Genk (BE) Mr I. Jukic
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOS 17-12-23 43e Exposicion Internacional Canina de Valencia Valencia (ES) Mr. G. Cox
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + RCACIB 17-12-23 43e Exposicion Internacional Canina de Valencia Valencia (ES) Mr. G. Cox
Uno Open 2 Excellent + RCAC 16-12-23 82e Exposicion Nacional Canina de Valencia Valencia (ES) Mr. H-J Dux (DE)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Female + BOB 16-12-23 82e Exposicion Nacional Canina de Valencia Valencia (ES) Mr. H-J Dux (DE)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BOS 03-12-23 42e Exposicion Internacional Canina de Alicante Alicante (ES) Mrs. J. Lawless (IE)
Sky Open 2 Excellent 03-12-23 42e Exposicion Internacional Canina de Alicante Alicante (ES) Mrs. J. Lawless (IE)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC 02-12-23 74e Exposicion Nacional Canina de Alicante Alicante (ES) Mr. P. Lawless (IE)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent 02-12-23 74e Exposicion Nacional Canina de Alicante Alicante (ES) Mr. P. Lawless (IE)
Uno Open 2 Excellent 26-11-23 Dutch Winner Show Leeuwarden (NL) Mrs. M. White (GB)
Nederlands JeugdkampioenDutch Junior Champion
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC 26-11-23 Dutch Winner Show Leeuwarden (NL) Mrs. M. White (GB)
Sky Champion 2 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 26-11-23 Dutch Winner Show Leeuwarden (NL) Mrs. M. White (GB)
Sky Champion 3 Excellent 24-11-23 CACIB Leeuwarden Leeuwarden (NL) Mr. G. Kostopoulos (GR)
Lito Junior 2 Excellent 24-11-23 CACIB Leeuwarden Leeuwarden (NL) Mr. G. Kostopoulos (GR)
Uno Open 2 Excellent 24-11-23 CACIB Leeuwarden Leeuwarden (NL) Mr. G. Kostopoulos (GR)
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC 19-11-23 59e Eurodogshow. Kortrijk Ms. K. Mc Devidt (IE)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Herbstsiegerin 04-11-23 IDS Herbstsieger Dortmund (DE) Mr. M. Wirth (DE)
Uno Open 2 Excellent + RCAC 04-11-23 IDS Herbstsieger Dortmund (DE) Mr. M. Wirth (DE)
Internationaal Jeugd KampioenInternational Junior Showcase Champion
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + Junior Herbstsieger 04-11-23 IDS Herbstsieger Dortmund (DE) Mr. M. Wirth (DE)
Lito Junior 2 Excellent + RJCAC 03-11-23 IDS Bundessieger Dortmund Dortmund (D) Mrs. S. Boyd (D)
Uno Intermediate 3 Excellent 03-11-23 IDS Bundessieger Dortmund Dortmund (D) Mrs. S. Boyd (D)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + RCACIB 03-11-23 IDS Bundessieger Dortmund Dortmund (D) Mrs. S. Boyd (D)
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + JCACIB 22-10-23 32th International Dog show 2023 Bleiswijk (NL) Mr. J. H. Eberhardt (DE)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 22-10-23 32th International Dog show 2023 Bleiswijk (NL) Mr. J. H. Eberhardt (DE)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 22-10-23 32th International Dog show 2023 Bleiswijk (NL) Mr. J. H. Eberhardt (DE)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Male + BOB 22-10-23 32th International Dog show 2023 Bleiswijk (NL) Mr. J. H. Eberhardt (DE)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 17-09-23 50th International Dog Show Maastricht Maastricht (NL) Mr. A. Szutkiewicz (PL)
Sky Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOS 17-09-23 50th International Dog Show Maastricht Maastricht (NL) Mr. A. Szutkiewicz (PL)
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + JCACIB + CAC + Best Junior + Best Male + BOB 17-09-23 50th International Dog Show Maastricht Maastricht (NL) Mr. A. Szutkiewicz (PL)
Uno Open 2 Exellent + RCACL + RCACIB 03-09-23 108e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mr. R. Blessing (D)
Crufts qualifiedCrufts qualified
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + Best Junior + Best Male + BOS 03-09-23 108e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mr. R. Blessing (D)
Sky Champion 2 Excellent + RCACL 03-09-23 108e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mr. R. Blessing (D)
Sky Champion 2 Excellent + RCACL 02-09-23 107e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mrs. K Nolke (D)
Uno Open 2 Exellent + RCACL + RCACIB 02-09-23 107e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mrs. K Nolke (D)
Crufts qualified + Luxembourg Junior ChampionCrufts qualified + Luxembourg Junior Champion
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + Best Junior + Best Male + BOB 02-09-23 107e IDS Luxembourg Luxembourg (LU) Mrs. K Nolke (D)
Bo Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOS 19-08-23 Sint Rombouts Trophy Mechelen (BE) Mr. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB 19-08-23 Sint Rombouts Trophy Mechelen (BE) Mr. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Male + BOB 06-08-23 50ste kampioenschapstentoonstelling Rotterdam (NL) Mrs. A. Gielisse (NL)
Lito Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + Best Junior + Best Male + BOB + 2BIG 30-07-23 Open Show Dulle Griet Geraardsbergen (BE) Ms. N. Timmermans-Kadenko (NL)
Uno Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Male + BOB 22-07-23 Golden Dog Trophy 2023 Herve (BE) Mr. D. Spruyt
Bo Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOS 22-07-23 Golden Dog Trophy 2023 Herve (BE) Mr. D. Spruyt (BE)
Belgisch kampioenBelgian Champion
Sky Open 1 EXC + CAC + CACIB + Best female + BOS 25-06-23 Genk LKV Genk (BE) M. R. Hubenthal (NO)
Sky Open 2 Excellent 28-05-23 43e KVN dogshow CAC Wieze (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent 28-05-23 43e KVN dogshow CAC Wieze (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Lito Junior 1 Very Good 28-05-23 43e KVN dogshow CAC Wieze (BE) M. J. De Cuyper (BE)
Belgisch kampioenBelgian champion
QT Open 1 Excellent + CAC + Cruft's qualified + Best Female + BOS 07-05-23 54e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. U. Nolke (DE)
International championInternational champion
Sky Open 1 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 07-05-23 54e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. U. Nolke (DE)
Uno Intermediate 2 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 07-05-23 54e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. U. Nolke (DE)
Lito Junior 4 Excellent 07-05-23 54e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. U. Nolke (DE)
QT Champion 2 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOS 06-05-23 53e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. T. Leenen (BE)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Male + BOB 06-05-23 53e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. T. Leenen (BE)
Lito Junior 2 Excellent 06-05-23 53e Flanders Dog Show Gent (BE) Mr. T. Leenen (BE)
Sky Open 3 Very Good 29-04-23 IDS Oss Oss (NL) Mr. M. Wibier (NL)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent + RCACIB 29-04-23 IDS Oss Oss (NL) Mr. M. Wibier (NL)
Bo Champion 4 Very Good 29-04-23 IDS Oss Oss (NL) Mr. M. Wibier (NL)
Vega Intermediate 2 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 26-03-23 IDS, Angers (F) Angers (F) M. J.Kerfriden (F)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 26-03-23 IDS, Angers (F) Angers (F) M. J.Kerfriden (F)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BOS 18-03-23 XXVIe Exposicion Internacional Canina Tarragona (ES) Mrs Ana Mesto
Uno Intermediate 2 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BOB + shortlisted 6 in group 18-03-23 XXVIe Exposicion Internacional Canina Tarragona (ES) Mrs Ana Mesto
Sky Open 1 Excellent 18-03-23 XXVIe Exposicion Internacional Canina Tarragona (ES) Mrs Ana Mesto
Bo Champion 1 Excellent 05-03-23 40. Exposicion Internacional Canina Valladolid (ES) Ms. J. Korozs - Papp (HU)
Sky Intermediate 1 Excellent 05-03-23 40. Exposicion Internacional Canina Valladolid (ES) Ms. J. Korozs - Papp (HU)
Vega Intermediate 2 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 05-03-23 40. Exposicion Internacional Canina Valladolid (ES) Ms. J. Korozs - Papp (HU)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent + CAC + RCACIB 05-03-23 40. Exposicion Internacional Canina Valladolid (ES) Ms. J. Korozs - Papp (HU)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent + RCAC 04-03-23 42. Exposicion Nacional Canina Valladolid (ES) M. M.Baskaran (ES)
Uno Intermediate 2 Excellent 04-03-23 42. Exposicion Nacional Canina Valladolid (ES) M. M.Baskaran (ES)
Lito Puppy 1 Very Promising + Best Puppy + BIS Puppy 04-03-23 XX Concurso Monografico Valladolid (ES) M.J.M. Cabano (ES)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC 04-03-23 42. Exposicion Nacional Canina Valladolid (ES) M. M.Baskaran (ES)
Uno Intermediate 1 Excellent + Best Male + BOB + BIS 04-03-23 XX Concurso Monografico Valladolid (ES) M.J.M. Cabano (ES)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent + Best Female + BOS 04-03-23 XX Concurso Monografico Valladolid (ES) M.J.M. Cabano (ES)
Kay Open 1 Excellent 04-03-23 XX Concurso Monografico Valladolid (ES) M.J.M. Cabano (ES)
Bo Open 1 Very Good 04-03-23 XX Concurso Monografico Valladolid (ES) M.J.M. Cabano (ES)
QT Champion 1 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 29-01-23 48e expo canine internationale Mouscron(BE) Mrs S. Kelveri Philippou (CY)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BEST FEMALE + BOS 29-01-23 48e expo canine internationale Mouscron(BE) Mrs S. Kelveri Philippou (CY)
Sky Open 4 Excellent 29-01-23 48e expo canine internationale Mouscron(BE) Mrs S. Kelveri Philippou (CY)
Lito Baby 1 Very Promising + Best Baby 29-01-23 48e expo canine internationale Mouscron(BE) Mrs S. Kelveri Philippou (CY)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 29-01-23 48e expo canine internationale Mouscron(BE) Mrs S. Kelveri Philippou (CY)
Belgian Junior ChampionBelgian Junior Champion
Uno Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + Best Junior + JCACIB 08-01-23 IDS Ambiorixtrofee HKV Genk (BE) Mr. B. Vandaele (BE)
QT Champion 1 Excellent + RCAC + RCACIB 08-01-23 IDS Ambiorixtrofee HKV Genk (BE) Mr. B. Vandaele (BE)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent + 2CAC 11-12-22 Brussels Dogshow Brussel (BE) Mr. Claudio De Giuliani (I)
QT Champion 3 Excellent 11-12-22 Brussels Dogshow Brussel (BE) Mr. Claudio De Giuliani (I)
QT Intermediate 3 Excellent 10-12-22 Brussels Dogshow Brussel (BE) Mr. Nemanja Jovanovic (Ser)
Vega Intermediate 2 Excellent 10-12-22 Brussels Dogshow Brussel (BE) Mr. Nemanja Jovanovic (Ser)
QT Champion 3 Excellent 04-12-22 British Sheepdog Club Merelbeke (BE) Mr. Guy Devriendt (BE)
Vega Intermediate 1 Excellent 04-12-22 British Sheepdog Club Merelbeke (BE) Mr. Guy Devriendt (BE)
Uno Junior 1 Excellent + JCAC + Reserve Best Junior In Show (RBIS) 04-12-22 British Sheepdog Club Merelbeke (BE) Mr. Guy Devriendt (BE)
Lito Baby 1 Very Promising + Reserve Best Minor Puppy in show (RBIS) 04-12-22 British Sheepdog Club Merelbeke (BE) Mr. Guy Devriendt (BE)
Tina Breeding 1 Excellent + RCAC 04-12-22 British Sheepdog Club Merelbeke (BE) Mr. Guy Devriendt (BE)
QT Champion 4 Excellent 20-11-22 Eurodogshow 2022 Kortrijk (BE) Mr. Steve Beaumont (GB)
Sky Open 3 Excellent 20-11-22 Eurodogshow 2022 Kortrijk (BE) Mr. Steve Beaumont (GB)
Vega Junior 1 Excellent + Best Junior 21-08-22 42e Sint-Romboutstrofee Mechelen (BE) Mr. A. Kelly (IRL)
Uno Junior 1 Excellent 21-08-22 42e Sint-Romboutstrofee Mechelen (BE) Mr. A. Kelly (IRL)
QT Champion 1 Excellent 21-08-22 42e Sint-Romboutstrofee Mechelen (BE) Mr. A. Kelly (IRL)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Golden Winner 24-07-22 Golden Dog Trophy Luik (BE) Mr. J-F Vanaken (BE)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 24-07-22 Golden Dog Trophy Luik (BE) Mr. J-F Vanaken (BE)
Bo Champion 1 Excellent 23-07-22 Golden Dog Trophy Luik (BE) Mrs. K. De Smedt-Jasica (BE)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Golden Winner 23-07-22 Golden Dog Trophy Luik (BE) Mrs. K. De Smedt-Jasica (BE)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + BOB 02-07-22 42 Internationale Hondententoonstelling Utrecht (NL) M. A. Castells (ES)
QT Champion 1 Excellent 02-07-22 42 Internationale Hondententoonstelling Utrecht (NL) M. A. Castells (ES)
Uno Puppy 1 Very Promising + Best Puppy 04-06-22 Pinkstershow Gorinchem (NL) M. J. Muldoon (IRL)
QT Champion 4 Very Good 04-06-22 Pinkstershow Gorinchem (NL) M. J. Muldoon (IRL)
Bo Champion 3 Excellent 04-06-22 Pinkstershow Gorinchem (NL) M. J. Muldoon (IRL)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + CACIB + Best Female + BOB 04-06-22 Pinkstershow Gorinchem (NL) M. J. Muldoon (IRL)
QT Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Female + BOB + 10 BIS 26-05-22 Joe Kat Show Arnhem (NL) Mr. G. Jipping (NL)
QT Champion 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Female + BOB 21-05-22 42 KVN Dog show Wieze (BE) M. V. Vojtek (Sk)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 21-05-22 42 KVN Dog show Wieze (BE) M. V. Vojtek (Sk)
Sky Open 1 Excellent 21-05-22 42 KVN Dog show Wieze (BE) M. V. Vojtek (Sk)
Vega Puppy 2 Excellent 21-05-22 42 KVN Dog show Wieze (BE) M. V. Vojtek (Sk)
Uno Puppy 1 Very Promising + Best Puppy 21-05-22 42 KVN Dog show Wieze (BE) M. V. Vojtek (Sk)
Sky Open 2 Excellent 08-05-22 Flanders Dogshow Gent (BE) Mrs. Charlott Hoier (DK)
Sky Open 1 EXC + CAC + CACIB + Best female + BOB 07-05-22 Flanders Dogshow Gent (BE) Mrs. Fiona Clark (IRL)
Sky Open 1 Excellent + CAC + Best Female 17-04-22 XL exposicion Monografica Collie Club Ondarra (ES) M. Frlcke (D)
Bo Champion 2 Excellent 17-04-22 XL exposicion Monografica Collie Club Ondarra (ES) M. Frlcke (D)
Uno Baby 1 Very Promising + Best Baby 17-04-22 XL exposicion Monografica Collie Club Ondarra (ES) M. Frlcke (D)
aan alle voorwaarden voldaan voor INTERNATIONAL SHOW CHAMPIONfulfilled all conditions to become INTERNATIONAL SHOW CHAMPION
Bo Champion 1 Excellent + RCACIB 05-02-22 44e internationale Dog show Eindhoven (NL) Mr. J. De Cuyper (BE)
QT Open 1 Excellent + CACIB 05-02-22 44e internationale Dog show Eindhoven (NL) Mr. J. De Cuyper (BE)