About Nina

D.O.B.Geboortedatum : 2015/04/22
Age : 9 year and 3 monthsLeeftijd : 9 jaar en 3 maanden
Call name : Nina

HD : A = vrijA = Free
CEA : Vrij door verervingNormal by parentage
CL : Vrij door verervingNormal by parentage
TNS : Vrij door verervingNormal by parentage
Volledige schaargebitComplete scissors bite
KleurenColors : Zwart / WitBlack / White

U-Litter Nina x PrinceU-Nest Nina x Prince
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Father Vader
Borders of Lowlands Sir Prince the Indian Revenge [Prince]

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T-Litter Nina x DJT-Nest Nina x DJ
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Father Vader
Lowlands of Lys Quando canta Soul Almighty [DJ]

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S-Litter Nina x CheoS-Nest Nina x Cheo
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Father Vader
Tehya Star Crossd Destiny [Cheo]

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